Services For Corporations

As the nation’s largest and most trusted locksmith, Pop-A-Lock provides corporations nationwide with quick, dependable and cost efficient vehicle and site security solutions.

Through our multi-location Site Security Program, we offer your corporation a consistent and comprehensive network of global dispatch, monitoring and business reporting systems that can result in significant cost reductions. Our field technicians and emergency response experts provide the highest quality security solutions for you and your customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

When you partner with Pop-A-Lock, your corporation benefits from our comprehensive support, ongoing training, research and development, and technology acquisition – all combining to bring you the latest and best security and protection available. 

Features and benefits of our Site Security Program include:

  • Provides service to locations throughout the U.S. using a standardized pricing and billing process.
  • Assists in reducing administrative effort and reducing loss risk by installing and servicing various levels of security keys and locks.
  • Assists in reducing costs associated with locksmith services by installing simple and rugged electronic locks.
  • Assists in ensuring that all work meets local building and fire codes, while also ensuring that all of our work meets Americans with Disabilities Act considerations.
  • Includes an employee benefits program that provides Pop-A-Lock’s services to your employees at a discounted rate.

Additional services available through our Site Security Program include: 

  • Deploy and maintain master key systems.
  • General maintenance and replacement of “push-pull paddles.”
  • Service and maintenance of crash bars/exit devices.
  • Replacement and control of keys/locks for desks and cabinets.



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